C1 Genomes & Things
Hatchery Replacements
Replacement genomes for your hatchery eggs featuring one of each major official breed, using MuppetBoy's Feliz genome. (2022)
Apple Norns have a special gene that balances out hotness and coldness. They have a better immune system and get less of an effect from fever. There are two varieties, the Common Apple Norn and the Bald Apple Norn. (1998)
Although the Blue Mountain Norns are hardly related to PMs in looks, their appearance is almost identical. They are bright blue in color and seperate from their parents when they are grown. (1998)
The Common Brown Norns are very social. They have brown coloring. You'll most often see them in large groups. (1998)
Malcina Norns have red coloring and reproduce anti-bodies. If you give them an anti-body shot at birth, they will have built up and immune system before any disease hits. (1998)
The Peanut Norns are a race of Norns that decended long ago from Mountain Norns and Forest Norns. They live about five hours, which is half as long as most Norns. are brown except for their white hair and purplish body. (1998)
Except for their colorful appearance and a new gene, Rainbow Norns are normal. The new gene lets makes them happy when they eat food. (1998)
These Norns are brown and have three new genes, the Starlite Genes. These genes help to keep Norns happy when they are on their own. (1998)