Favorite C1 COBs
Updates and Fixes
Removes a black hole in the ocean that stuff could fall into, never to return.
Fixes a rogue pixel in the bedtime bear sprite.
Improved version the official bee and beehive update.
Prevents creatures from getting stuck in lifts.
Brings a functioning fridge back into the game. (NOTE: May cause the game to crash if Jessica's updated cheese is also installed.)
Makes the greenhouse shelf actually hold things
Allows Grendels to tickle norns, instead of only allowing them to hit
Makes sure pixie norns' heads are centered on their bodies.
Classifies robot, jack-in-the-box, and flibberdigibbit as "toys" instead of "bigtoys" to help with learning.
Classifies the radio as "music" instead of "toy" to help with learning.
Makes the hootch shelf and kitchen table actually hold things.
Prevents the submarine from sinking.
Makes the mushrooms under the incubator room edible.
Fixes some sprite and pose issues with baby boy norns.
Improved version of official beelacanth plant.
Improved version of official caveflies.
Improved version of official coconuts.
Makes eaten herbs invisible, and lets you break of pieces to give to creatures.
Jessica's fantastic carrot upgrade, with better eating animations and growing behavior.
Jessica's fantastic cheese upgrade, with improved graphics, eating animations, and taste.
Jessica's fantastic lemon upgrade, with multiple stages and pain-free flavor - plus no more flying lemons (long story).
Injectable versions of many of the original food and toys.
Lovely, yummy tubers that grow in the garden amongst the carrots.
A little arachnid friend who lives in the jungle and keeps cave flies in check.
A handy portable computer that teaches creatures all words, one at a time.
A little dragonfly that flies around Albia. Be sure to get the updated sprites as well!
Some bats for the cave under the jungle.
More of the original herbs for you to plant around Albia.
A hovering hand that makes sure your norns are doing ok.