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How to Install C3DS Community Edition on Linux

(6 Apr 2024)

  1. Download the latest Linux version of lisdude's C3DS Community Edition.
  2. Extract the zip file into whichever folder you want to install the game in.
  3. Get the game...

    from Steam

    • Install Steam.
    • Add Docking Station to your Steam Library. If you want to play with Creatures 3, you can buy it as DLC.
    • cd into the folder and run ./c3ds.sh --steam, which will run the Steam CLI to download the game files for DS (and C3 if you have it).


    • just copy the Docking Station folder (and if you want to play with Creatures 3, the Creatures 3 folder) into the same folder as c3ds.sh
  4. To support the Warp, download Natsue's server.cfg and put it in your Docking Station folder. You'll also need to remove Docking Station/Bootstrap/010 Docking Station Patches/login_disabler.cos.
  5. If you need scaling or other options, check the Community Edition README.
  6. You can run ./c3ds.sh from the folder to launch the game, or you can create a handy menu shortcut by creating C3DS.desktop in ~/.local/share/applications (or wherever your distro keeps them):
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Creatures 3 Docking Station
    Exec=./c3ds.sh {plus any other options you want to pass along}
    Path={wherever you installed the game}