

What's New

The Homeless Norns

I have made many Norn species and edited worlds. But to get to the final product, I must have test Norns. I have tried my best to keep them happy while I work, but many times I have had to kill them. I would export them and delete the files. I hated doing that. And so I decided to have a Homeless Norns section in the Hatchery. There, you can e-mail me and adopt one of the Norns. Most of them aren't educated, and most aren't named. Lucy is the new addition and was used in the testing of the peach. You can get some of the "firsts" of different species. If you have a homeless Norn, send me an e-mail giving me what its gender, age, and species are and your e-mail address so that people can adopt your Norns. It would also be nice if you said if it is educated and any additional information someone might wish to know. I hope my program will give many homeless Norns a good home and a family that cares for it.

Creatures II

You've probably already heard the good news, but in case you haven't, Creatures II is coming soon! Well, in the fall, but most people are very excited. If you're a Mac user, don't read any further, because Creatures II will only be for PC users. The new Norns will have organs, like a heart and lungs. There will be physics, like gravity, and there will be seasons. There will be new Grendels, as well! Ettins, a new species, will be introduced to Albia. The world has changed, too. It is now twice as big! There will be an ecosystem with a lot of plants and animals. In one of Cyberlife's screen shots of Creatures II, they revealed what an Ettin looks like. At least, that's what Frimlin and I think. We don't know whether it is really an Ettin or just another type of Norn. You can find this screen shot and other cool pictures of Creatures II at Cyberlife's web site. There are two new screen shots and more Creatures II information. My brother and I re already saving up to get Creatures II when it comes out. We think it is $50, but we aren't sure. So, start saving you're money! I have registered to receive any new Creatures II information, and I will post it here. You can find more information at Cyberlife's web site,

Stories and Games

Find fun games and Norn stories here! Today, I have the answers to "At the Fair." I also have a story called Dark Heart. Happy Reading!

At the Fair Answers:

Kate: 1.) 16 friends 2.) $2

Amy: 1.) $44 2.) $39.60 3.) $3.40

Solvers: SuperNorn

Dark Heart

Lucy was a Norn who lived in the island's caves. She was immortal, but still young. Her family lived in the garden, where most families made their homes. When a child, Lucy had been close to eating a pill that stopped her from having children. But she ran away instead, eventually coming to the island. Again she was asked to take the pill. Finally, she got to the caves, where she stayed.

Lucy lived alone. She became acustom to the darkness. Her only joy was looking through the glass dome to see the fish. Albia was a wonderful place - for most Norns. There was a great prejustice against Grendels and Grenorns, and immortal Norns were usually confronted with the Pill. Immortal Norns passed the genes on to their children, and then Albia would become overcrowded. Some were killed or exported. Lucy was not a danger to the Hand in the caves, and so the Hand didn't bother her.

One day, while Lucy was asleep, the lift started to creep downward. She awoke just as a young male Norn climbed out of the lift. He had white hair and striped arms.

"Oh!" He looked suprised when he saw her.

"Uh... Hello. What would you like?" Lucy said.

"Well, I've just been exploring. I didn't know you were here. Excuse me, I'll be leaving now... If you like."

"No, no! You can stay. I don't mind."

"If you say so, uh... by the way, would you mind telling me your name?"

Lucy was suprised at the manners of this new Norn. She smiled and answered him quickly. She learned that his name was Mark. Mark had lived in the garden until a Grendel attack seperated him from his family. He started to wander, and then he came across Lucy in the caves.

Mark treate Lucy as he would any other Norn. Obviously, he didn't know she was immortal. Lucy decided not to tell him. Why couldn't she enjoy his company, at least for a while?

"Would you like to stay here tonight?" asked Lucy.

"Why not? I have no where to go." Mark replied. "I-" He started to say something, but he just stared at Lucy.

"What is it?" she asked. Mark didn't say anything for a moment, then said, "I... never mind. Maybe I'm just tired. The darkness must be getting to me."

Lucy gave up her sleeping spot, next to the lift, to Mark. He fell asleep right away. But Lucy lay awake for a while. She kept thinking about Mark. He had something on his mind. And why in Albia was he staring at her? Finally, she fell into an uneasy sleep.

Through the water,a stream of sunlight hit the floor. It danced on the cave walls and lit up the whole room. Lucy opened an eye, and blinked. She rubbed her eyes. But Mark wasn't there! Had she dreamt it all? But Lucy was no in her usual sleeping spot. Then, it hit her. When he had stared at her, he was looking into her eyes. Any Norn would know an immortal Norn by their eyes.

Lucy hid her face and cried. She could almost hear Mark's voice trying to comfort her. He had cared about her. But then he had crept out during the night. When Mark had looked into her eyes, he had known. And now those immortal eyes were crying for him.

"Mark, Mark, Mark. I could hate you if I didn't love you so!" Lucy sobbed. "If only if I was dead. If only I was not who I am!"


Some of you never go on chat rooms because of bad language and people getting off the subject. Well, that's the subject today: to go on chat rooms, or not to go on chat rooms, that is the question. The Creatures chat room does sometimes get off subject and start fighting in fantasy wars. Other times, certain people use swear words and say annoying things. I've even heard of hackers who get peoples passwords and things. But sometimes, with the right bunch of people, the Creatures chat room can start to talk about Creatures again. You might be here because you saw me in the chat room, giving away my URL, or site address. So I guess I would say that chat rooms are okay to visit, but you need to be aware that it depends on what time you visit the chat if you, don't want the off-trackers and the bad language. - Moonlite

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